A new year’s resolution



Business moving forward.

Looking back over the year it’s time to reflect on all things good and not so good and a way to move forward and improve.

Business hasn’t been that great so always looking at creative ways to obtain business and help grow from current processes which need changing.

Business owners do not always get it right so it’s always an innovative idea to look at other successful companies or business owners for inspiration. You never know you may even want to change direction completely.

This year started a mentoring programme to improve business, and it has been a positive revelation. You really can get stuck in your ways and assume what you do is best but there is always room to enhance productivity and make your job easier and more successful.

The downside was taking on so much advice from so many different people it all came crashing down with brain overload. It’s simply not possible to take on too many ideas at once if you work fulltime. The best advice is to set a goal with one idea at a time. Watch it grow and if it fails move on to plan B.

By taking on too many new tasks all at the same time and trying to run a business; sales dipped, paperwork fell behind and didn’t achieve anything from the innovative ideas that were planned.

Moving forward in 2025 will take one step at a time.

Your health is important.

Healthwise, planning to get back to living a healthier lifestyle.

By not doing the regular fitness routines this year have noticed energy levels dropping which effects a focused mindset. Making your business or job the excuse for not keeping yourself healthy will affect you in later life. What is the point in having a great company or job if you are not around to reap the rewards?

So, going into 2025 keep setting positive goals but also make sure you have time to look after your health.

Eat yourself healthy.

If you have a family and work fulltime, ask all family members to suggest meals for the week ahead. Batch cook all the meals at the weekend to save time on busy workdays. This way all the family will be happy with the food you put on the table and will prevent those last-minute unhealthy takeaways on busy workdays.

So, in 2025. Make your health a priority. Plan ahead. Stay focused.

Happy New Year!


Photo credit: asierromero