

When I sat down to watch The Contestant, I anticipated an entertaining, perhaps quirky dive into Japan’s eccentric reality TV. Instead, I was met with a deeply human story that left me reflecting on vulnerability, resilience, and our collective fascination with spectacle.   At the heart of the film is Nasubi, a young man whose earnestness is almost painful to watch. Plucked from obscurity and thrust into a bizarre game show, he spends over a year isolated in a tiny…


Operation Christmas Child Sharing Good News and Great Joy   Unfortunately, we missed the dates to inform readers to pack shoeboxes for this year’s Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Appeal. Nevertheless, there is still time to donate online.  Each gift-filled shoebox is a tangible expression of God’s love, and it is often the first gift these children have ever received. There is nothing more precious than seeing the smile of a child receiving gifts donated with love. The ministry is now…


Formed in 1957, the MFPA is part of a global, self-help association of artists that enables nearly 800 artists from more than 80 countries worldwide to make a sustainable living through their art. In the UK alone, the MFPA supports 27 remarkable artists. Unlike a charity, the MFPA is run by the artists themselves, allowing them to maintain their independence and continue producing stunning artworks that are transformed into wonderful gifts. This Christmas, the Mouth and Foot Painting Artists (MFPA)…


Nationwide and Dementia UK are bringing free face-to-face specialist dementia care to Cardiff and Cwmbran. The clinics will be hosted by Dementia UK’s Admiral Nurses in Nationwide’s Cardiff and Cwmbran branches to support anyone impacted by dementia, offering life-changing support to families and individuals living with dementia in the area.   Support includes practical and emotional advice on all aspects of dementia – from worries about memory problems and understanding a diagnosis and how the condition can progress to help…


With food banks and charities facing continued levels of need this winter, people are being urged to give the gift of their time to take part in the UK’s biggest food donation drive. The 12th annual Tesco Winter Food Collection is taking place in all Tesco stores from November 28th to November 30th. Tesco’s charity partners, Trussell and FareShare, are calling for volunteers to sign-up to support the event in store as both charities are providing a lifeline in response…


  During this season of remembrance, Tredegar House in Newport is commemorating the 170th anniversary of the Charge of the Light Brigade with an exact replica of Godfrey Morgan’s military horse ‘Sir Briggs’, created in willow and draped in over 4,000 hand-made poppies. The 15 hands high willow sculpture of the horse has been hand-woven by local willow artist and BBC Repair Shop TV personality, Sarah Hatton. Now cared for by National Trust Cymru, Tredegar House was home to one…


Rhodri Meilir and Sara Gregory in Odyssey ‘84   What does it mean to be a part of a Welsh community? What shapes Wales’ contemporary identity? These are the questions that lie at the heart of Sherman Theatre’s newest production, Odyssey ‘84, which revisits the Miners’ Strike of 1984 through the lens of Homer’s Greek classic The Odyssey. Penned by Tim Price, one of Wales’ most successful playwrights (following the meteoric success of Nye), the play commemorates 40 years since…


BBC Children in Need recently announced this year’s schools fundraising campaign encouraging schools across the country to challenge themselves to fundraise for the charity. As an added incentive to get involved, the charity also launched a prize draw for schools to win a visit from BBC Gladiator star, Steel, plus another surprise Gladiator guest from in and around Cardiff. Last year, schools across the UK raised nearly £4m which helped to support 30,000 children and young people who are facing…


New figures from Statistics Wales show that homelessness in Wales has risen to its highest level since records began in 2015. More than 13,000 households were assessed as homeless last year by councils, an increase of 8% on the year before.    The latest numbers come less than a year after a White Paper was published outlining how the Welsh Government plans to end homelessness.   Andrew Connell, Policy Manager for The Salvation Army, said:     “This year marks 150…


The Algae Photobioreactor has been designed by Cardiff University students Hajira Irfan, 21, and Harry Parkinson, 20, with support from their professors and other students.   The duo teamed up to scoop a prize at the university’s Spring StartUp Awards earlier this year, which were part funded by charity EIBF.   Now, Integrated Engineering student Hajira and Physics student Harry will compete against nine other teams from across the UK in the EIBF Champion of Champions Competition.   Recognising the…