

Halloween and Bonfire are now done and dusted….Next Stop Christmas! It’s finally ok to say ‘I’m off Christmas Shopping’ – 5 weeks to go! The Christmas Market is up and running, which is really cute to grab some sentimental gifts for your loved ones this year. A traditional Christmas market offering an alternative, more personalised, shopping experience, not to be missed! Even if you don’t want to buy anything, It’s a great outing too- grab your friends/boyfriend or family, and…


I freaking love Star Wars. Even the rubbish ones.     The first three are my go-to movies when I’m feeling happy, sad, bad, glad, mad, pleased or bored. I believe that the genius of taking a conventional fantasy story and plonking it in space cannot be overestimated, and although the prequels have their faults, they add to and enrich a universe that has enthralled millions. And I am the sort of person that owns not one, but twolightsabers. Technically three…


Dropping temperatures and cold winds equals dry, itchy and cracked skin right? – Give your body some TLC to stay looking gorgeous this winter, even when the weather isn’t. Most doctors and skin care specialists would immediately ask you to invest in high priced lotions- but I’m not! It’s amazing what you can make from opening your kitchen cupboards. So here’s a winter wonder body scrub to make your skin glow, at the fraction of the price – tried and…


The nights are starting to become very dark and gloomy but why not celebrate the fact winter’s here with bonfire night. Whether your heading to an event or just having a family gathering in your back garden, it’s great to dress up really snug, sip a few winter drinks and watch beautiful lights shining across the sky. We’ve had some great feedback from some people so I’ve got two great recipes to spice up your Bonfire night. Look at this…


Here is an article about the Sŵn Festival from a lovely contributor to our magazine… Now in its 7th year, Sŵn Festival once again took over the city centre last weekend for 4 days of live music and fringe events scattered far and wide across the city at venues including Cardiff University’s Great Hall, Clwb Ifor Bach, Chapter Arts Centre, Gwdihw, Dempsey’s, The Moon Club and St John’s Church. Co-curated by Radio 1’s Huw Stephens and Cardiff based promoter Jon Rostron,…


As a student myself I KNOW how expensive Halloween can be, so I’ve got a few screaming ideas for a DIY Halloween (flat parties are way cheaper). Of course make your student flat as dark as it can be….(jumping out at guests on arrival never gets old). Essential prop; TOILET PAPER….it never fails, you can use it to dress up as a mummy, use it as decorations… or thanks to Google- pumpkin bowling. This is definitely an game I will…


I’m not a skier myself; I have always wanted to try it but never had the opportunity – or the guts for that matter. However last Monday I went to wine tasting for Morgan Jupe Luxury Catered Ski Chalets and I feel like it was fate… I am going to go skiing. In fact I sat there during the wine tasting planning who I can invite to make up the numbers to hire a chalet. So on Monday night I…


Looks like it’s going to be very windy and wet in Cardiff the next couple of days… FLOOD warnings! Yes you might be in a rush to get somewhere but PLEASE drive careful, just a few pointers for you newer or less confident drivers; First and foremost: SLOW DOWN! Surfaces are a lot weaker in the rain Stay towards the middle of lanes as water is known for building up on the edges of roads Space yourself from cars –…


Hey! So summer has ended and it is so sad! I am such nesh person and everyday for the past week I have sat in the office practically hugging an electric heater. My housemate has a vendetta with the heating too and so at home I am wearing every single item of clothing I own. On the plus side, winter is an excuse for winter shopping! I have just invested in some beautiful new bootboots! This week I have also…


Yipeee, I actually have a ‘reasonable’ excuse to put on a few pounds this week… The whole saying; ‘I’m going to get fit ’ starts EVERY Monday in my books (agreed?) BUT this week it didn’t. To me this week is like Easter- you purchase every type of Easter egg, using excuses like; -‘But I have to get it…. it’s my favourite Chocolate’ -‘Wow, the packaging looks so cool’ -‘I may as well pick one up for EVERY family member-…