Sarita Sood who leads the Bollywood Goldies sessions online As Lockdown in Wales puts an even greater emphasis on the isolation and wellbeing of older people, the Goldies Cymru Charity is increasing its online content to include gentle exercise at home. Older People’s Commissioner for Wales, Heléna Herklots CBE, said: “Keeping active is really important for older people’s well-being and helps them to stay healthy and independent. But the pandemic has meant that many of the usual opportunities for…
New research from the British Red Cross suggests that the pandemic has changed our attitude towards asking for help, as almost a quarter (24%) of people in Wales say they find it easier to reach out when they are struggling. The pandemic has also made us more compassionate, with people more concerned about those in need, and many saying they will be kinder to others long into the future. In Wales, the survey found that: • Half (50%)…
A lost World War Two letter discovered inside a book, has finally reached its destination after 76 years thanks to a nationwide campaign by World of Books Group, the UK’s largest retailer of used books and media. The letter was written by a British soldier serving in Italy in the winter of 1944. At the time, Allied forces battled through the tough Italian Campaign in freezing conditions – a campaign that would claim the lives of around 70,000 allied soldiers…
The first donor in Wales to donate plasma through the Welsh Blood Service’s new ‘plasmapheresis’ process is calling on other males who have recovered from COVID-19 to consider donating their plasma to support medical trials. Clinical trials are currently underway to explore if the antibody-rich plasma of recovered Covid-19 patients could be used in the treatment of hospital patients that are unwell with the virus. Andrew Thomas, a police officer for South Wales Police, was the first donor in Wales…
An art competition was launched recently for young people across the UK, with the winners having their artwork displayed at the COP26 Climate Change conference later this year in Glasgow. The Creative Earth competition is part of a UK Government initiative, Together for our Planet, and launched in collaboration with the WWF to encourage young people to use the power of art to capture their hopes and dreams for the planet in the future. To kickstart the competition, Cel Spellman, star of Netflix’s…
Inspired by Captain Tom Moore, Alan is taking on one last charitable challenge in his 90th year. Aiming to navigate the majestic hills and mountains of Wales, England, Scotland and beyond, without leaving his own garden. To complete this challenge Alan will climb the 120 circular steps around his garden on a daily basis. The same amount of steps as it would take to climb the mountains that he loves. Since October Alan has climbed the Blorenge, the Sugar Loaf,…
Dame Helen Mirren has urged the people of Cardiff to help raise money for homeless and vulnerable people in an appeal launched by Just Eat and Social Bite. Other well-known faces including Rob Brydon and Sir Chris Hoy have posted videos backing the new Christmas Meal Appeal launched by Just Eat in partnership with charities Social Bite & FoodCycle. The appeal comes after reports detail the increasing issue of homelessness in the UK, and the increased pressure and reliance on charities as the…
Left to right – Wales & West Utilities’ Helen Mabhena, Joshua Rankin & Lowri Rees celebrate donating to three UK charities Wales & West Utilities colleagues have donated money, that would have been spent on company Christmas celebrations, to three UK charities. In light of this year’s unique situation, colleagues working for the gas emergency and pipeline service in Wales and the south west of England have come together to pool money which is now set to benefit Marie Curie,…
#HeartsForHomes Campaign A new campaign by Picture News linked schools across the UK with care homes for their #HeartsForHomes campaign which ran between 1st-11th December. Most care home residents have had a difficult year with visiting restrictions, coronavirus fears and ever-changing lockdown regulations. The #HeartsForHomes campaign aimed to reconnect residents with their community. Care Home residents passed a Christmas message to the younger generation, while Primary School children wrote their own message for the residents. #HeartsForHomes – tackling isolation and…
Budweiser Brewing Group UK&I, a proud part of AB InBev, and renewable energy company, CleanEarth, today announces reaching a new milestone in the brewer’s sustainability efforts. A new wind turbine has been installed at Budweiser Brewing Group’s brewery in Magor, South Wales to help power the site with renewable electricity. With blades of an incredible 68 metres in length, the turbine is believed to be the longest to enter commercial operation on UK soil. The blades’ tips reach a height…