British Red Cross support Adamsdown residents after Bingo Hall fire


Emergency response staff and volunteers from the British Red Cross are continuing to supports residents evacuated from their homes yesterday after a large fire broke out in a disused bingo hall in Pearl Street, Cardiff.

Eight volunteers and three members of staff from the Red Cross responded immediately to a request from The City of Cardiff Council’s emergency management team yesterday afternoon to help set up a rest centre at the nearby Star Centre on Splott Road. Working in partnership with the local authority and emergency services, Red Cross personnel helped register and support more than 55 local residents who were told to leave their properties as fire crews brought the blaze under control.

As well as providing food and drink to residents and emergency response workers, the Red Cross also responded to the individual needs of those evacuated by supplying items such as nappies, baby food and hygiene kits and arranging replacement prescriptions for those who had left their homes without vital medication.

Vernon Cornish, Fire and Emergency Support coordinator at the Red Cross, said: “Our volunteers are providing a fantastic service in looking after the welfare of those affected by the fire in Pearl Street. Being told to leave your home at short notice is very distressing and as well as helping to sort out practical issues our volunteers are also offering emotional support to those who needed it.”

Working in conjunction with the Council, the Red Cross helped arrange overnight accommodation in a local hotel for those residents who were unable to return to their homes last night. Continued assistance is being provided to those individuals today while the safety of the site is assessed.

Mark Joseph, service development manager for emergency response at the Red Cross, said: “I am incredibly proud of our volunteers who responded in a very professional manner to this emergency yesterday and continue to support those affected today. What is most impressive is that our volunteers came to help at the rest centre after finishing a day’s work. That shows their dedication to helping others in their community and I’d like to thank everyone for their hard work.”

Emergency response crews from the charity will remain on standby until it is safe for residents to return to their homes.

The Red Cross emergency response service works in partnership with South Wales Fire and Rescue and The City of Cardiff Council to help people cope after a fire or other emergency, providing practical and emotional support.

Volunteers are always needed for this service. To find out more about the role and the training provided, please contact Vernon Cornish on 07714 851 098 or email

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