Cardiff has started its own Repair Café!


What do you do with a broken toaster? Or with a bike when the chain comes off? Or with a sweater full of moth holes? Bin it? No way! Repair Café Cardiff has organised the first Repair Café in Cardiff on Saturday 1st April.

At The Table, Pentyrch Baptist Church on Pentyrch Street, every first Saturday of each month, everything centres on making repairs. Starting from 10.00am and ending at 2.00pm, various volunteer repair experts will be available to help make all possible repairs free of charge. Tools and materials will also be on hand. People visiting the Repair Café will bring along their broken items from home. Toasters, lamps, hair dryers, clothes, bikes, toys, crockery… anything that is broken is welcome. And can more than likely be repaired. The Repair Café specialists almost always have the know-how.

By promoting repairs, Repair Café Cardiff wants to help reduce mountains of waste and put neighbours in touch with each other in a new way. And to discover that a lot of know-how and practical skills can be found close to home.

You can get more information from organisers Joe O’Mahoney (, 07906 133640) or Cerys Jones (, 07967 320079).

You can also go to www.facebook/repaircafewales or @RepairCafeWales on Twitter.