#CareDay18 – Care experienced children and young people in Wales celebrate their rights


Care Day takes place on the 16th February. It is the world’s biggest celebration of children and young people with care experience. Care experience includes children and young people who are or were cared for by parents or other family members with the support of social workers; or by foster carers. It also includes children and young people who live in children’s homes and residential units.

The aim of Care Day is to flip the stigma that is faced by children and young people who have experience of the care system.

The celebrations in Wales will be led by Voices From Care Cymru (VFCC) whose purpose is to improve the lives of care experienced children and young people in Wales by being an independent voice.

As part of the day, young people will be having lunch with David Melding, Assembly Minister and chair of the Ministerial Advisory Group, to share their thoughts, stories and questions.

The celebration of the Care Family will extend to North Wales where VFCC staff will be holding a group with care experienced children and young people
During the celebrations, VFCC will be premiering their light-hearted video on ‘Questions not to ask’, which focuses on questions that care experienced children and young people are often asked and how they feel about them.

VFCC will also be lighting up Cardiff City Hall from 6pm to mark the occasion.
You can watch the day unfold on social media by following #CareDay18 and see what VFCC and their sister organisations around the UK and Ireland are doing to celebrate the care family.

Care Day is a joint initiative between children’s charities across the whole of the UK under the 5 Nations 1 Voice Alliance. Who Cares? Scotland, Become in England, VOYPIC in Northern Ireland, EPIC in Ireland and Voices from Care in Wales.

For more information or to get involved contact Tim on 02920 451431 or bsm@vfcc.org.uk