BBC One announces The Elephant Man, a two-part drama starring Charlie Heaton (Stranger Things) as Joseph Merrick – better known as The Elephant Man. Commissioned by Piers Wenger, Controller of BBC Drama, and Charlotte Moore, Director of BBC Content, the 2 x 90′ series is produced by New Pictures and written by Neil McKay (Moorside). The Elephant Man follows the compelling and extraordinary life of Joseph Merrick from his working-class beginnings in Leicestershire, through the work-houses,…
The locations of Cardiff’s new nextbike stations have finally been revealed ahead of the scheme doubling in size next month. The 27 bike-share stations started to be installed across the city on 24th August, taking the city-wide docking network up from 25 to 52. New docking stations are being installed in Llandaff, Grangetown, Heath, and Ely, as well as several around Cardiff University. nextbike, the world’s most extensive bike-share operator, recently revealed the city’s 16,000 registered users have already cycled an impressive 140,000km since the scheme was launched in March – 42 times the distance Geraint Thomas cycled in the…
The FSB Celebrating Small Business Awards 2019 are open and small businesses and the self-employed in Wales are being urged to enter and celebrate their achievements. The Welsh winners will be announced at an award ceremony on 22nd March 2019 held at the Hilton Hotel, Cardiff. The awards, run by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), will recognise and celebrate the best of Wales’ small businesses and the vast contribution they make to both regional and national economies and…
With cycling fever sweeping over Cardiff as residents embrace their brand-new bike share scheme, nextbike are now on the hunt for true fans to be become the face of the service. nextbike, the world’s most extensive bike-share operator, is calling for all fanatics of the scheme to get in contact if they are interested in becoming an ambassador of the brand. Ambassador perks include unlimited free cycling on all the nextbike schemes across the world as well as the…
15 year-old Welsh schoolgirl Elan Catrin Parry announces the release of her debut album ‘Angel’ – out on the 3rd August 2018 on Decca Records. Elan’s pure, fresh, enchanting vocals are showcased through a mix of songs in both English and Welsh. Following the release of her single ‘Anfonaf Angel’, Elan is the first female Welsh singer to be exclusively signed to Decca since Katherine Jenkins 15 years ago. Elan has had a whirlwind year, after appearing on ITV’s primetime show ‘This Time Next Year’ she pledged to…
Alzheimer’s Society Cymru is calling for more people to unite against dementia and sign up for Cardiff Memory Walk at Bute Park on Saturday 1 September. Cardiff Memory Walk, along with other walks throughout Wales and the UK will help raise funds to provide vital information and support, improve care, and fund research into dementia – including leading research taking place here in Cardiff. There are currently over 850,000 people living with dementia in the UK,…
The search is on to find the inspirational business women who will take one of eight coveted places in the Innovate UK Women in Innovation Awards 2018, alongside a £50,000 grant and support package to help them reach their full potential as a female entrepreneur. Evidence shows that the proportion of UK women engaging in entrepreneurial activity is around half the level of men1, but encouragingly, since launching the inaugural Women in Innovation campaign in 2016, Innovate UK has seen a 70% increase in registrations for funding from female applicants. Having identified one of the main barriers for female…
Rumney Folk Club Cardiff are celebrating their 15th Birthday. Running as a Community Folk Club, we encourage musicians and singers of all styles, ages and abilities from near and far, to come along and perform. We meet on the 3rd Friday of every month at St Augustine’s Church Hall, Whitehall Parade, Rumney, Cardiff. There is a charge of £3.50 on the door for non performers and £1.50 for performers. Proceeds go towards the upkeep of the hall to improve the facilities…
Two brand-new family attractions — Gilbert’s Maze and the Dragons’ Lair — have today (23 August) been unveiled at Caerphilly Castle. Designed as part of Cadw’s Castles Alive! campaign, the much-anticipated attractions are now officially open to the public, marking the completion of a project to transform the site into a major UK tourist destination. Gilbert’s Maze, which was designed by the specialists behind interpretation at The London Dungeon and Madame Tussauds, invites daring knights to conquer…
The Schiller S1-C Water Bike is an extraordinary machine. Think premium bike meets ultra portable catamaran. Safe and stable in open water; you can jump straight on the bike, no training needed. No helmets, no paddles and no limits to exploring. It can even go in reverse. Over the August Bank Holiday weekend the Extreme Sailing Series™, now in its 12th year, arrives in Cardiff Bay and will be the headline act of the Cardiff Harbour Festival. From 24th–27th August…