
Bridgend Sailors’ Society chaplain faces terror of heights to take on 262ft abseil for seafarers in need  Bridgend based chaplain, Rev Phil Denyer, dared to face his fear of heights at the weekend and take on Britain’s highest freefall abseil from the UK’s tallest structure in aid of maritime welfare charity, Sailors’ Society. Phil, who works part-time as a port chaplain for the global charity, took on the ArcelorMittal Orbit abseil in Queen Elizabeth Park, London on Saturday. He has…


Carpenter, student midwife, Gym Manager, Chief Inspector, former Head Teacher, BBC Producer are just some of the most inspiring women in Wales. Winners of this year’s Womenspire Awards organised by Wales’ leading equality charity Chwarae Teg. Wales’ most inspiring women have been recognised at the annual Womenspire Awards sponsored by CGI were held at the Wales Millennium Centre last night (21 June). 400 guests attended this prestigious event, which celebrated the personal and professional achievements of women across Wales. Chwarae…


One of the little-known stories to emerge from the recent consumer frenzy that was Christmas, was the plight of the bell-ringers of York Minster.  It seems that in late October last year the 30-strong bell ringing team was summoned at short notice and were abruptly told they were being sacked. The reasons for the move were given as health and safety and risk management.  600 years of chiming ceased.  The Governing body then tried to recruit replacements from local churches…


The average dad suffers 22 injuries a year – because of the kids, it emerged yesterday. From accidental kicks to the face to bad backs from being a human climbing frame, the wear and tear on Britain’s dads was revealed in a study of 2,000 parents. In fact, the average dad of school-aged children experiences 22 injuries per year – eight of those while playing with the little ones. And dad also bashes his shin three times on something the…