A water Refill Station has been installed at Barry Hospital for patients, visitors, staff and the local community to fill up their reusable water bottles for free! The Refill Scheme encourages participating outlets to sign up to the free Refill app and put a sticker in their window alerting people to the fact they’re welcome to fill up their bottle for free. The average adult buys more than three plastic water bottles every week – a startling…
In July [20th] 1916 during the Battle of the Somme, poet Robert Graves was struck by a shell and was so badly wounded that the next day he was reported to have died. He did in fact survive and went on to write about the traumatic experience of war in his autobiography Goodbye to All That. While his physical injuries healed, the psychological impact lingered. He recounted returning to England and trembling at strong smells, akin to gas, and loud…
As the nation continues to adjust to a slower pace of life it seems that us Brits are taking the time to appreciate the simple things, as the study, commissioned by Barefoot Wine, confirms that over half the nation (54%) have found more joy in everyday ‘little wins’ during recent months than ever before. Barefoot Wine “Top 50” list of ‘Little Wins’: Finding money in an old coat pocket (48%) Waking up to sunshine (43%) Receiving an unexpected gift in the post (40%)…
With the UK in lockdown, staying healthy has become imperative, and one way to get essential vitamins whilst remaining indoors is by eating five a day. Knowing what is in season and choosing locally sourced produce also means shoppers can be sure to pack in the most nutrients, as those which have travelled fewer miles will be fresher and of higher quality. However, research by The Mushroom Bureau, a partnership between local farmers, sellers and growers, has revealed that many…
Cardiff based International Mountain Leader Alan Ward is in lockdown in Cardiff whilst he should be providing mountain training in the Brecon Beacons National Park and have summitted the highest mountain on the Indonesian island of Sumatra in May. We asked him how he was occupying himself during these challenging times. I returned home from Indonesia in February just as the Covid-19 pandemic was starting to change the world. People in airports were continuing to go about their normal…
Launched the first week the UK officially went into lockdown, eleven weeks and 44 ‘at home’ rehearsal sessions later, choirmaster and broadcaster Gareth Malone announces the release of a totally unique EP, bringing together the voices of 11,000 participants of his Great British Home Chorus project from around the world. All profits from the release will be donated to NHS Charities Together. The EP, co-produced by Gareth and Grammy-winning producer Steve Lipson, includes ‘You Are My Sunshine’ – introduced in…
British Fashion Council (BFC) has announced the launch of ‘Great British Designer Face Coverings: Reusable, for People and Planet’, a joint campaign with Bags of Ethics, to manufacture and retail internationally, sustainable and reusable non-medical face coverings to use alongside existing social distancing measures. Designed in London by six British designers, Halpern, Julien Macdonald, Liam Hodges, Mulberry, RAEBURN and RIXO the project aims to raise £1 million with 100% of sale profits going to charity and split between NHS Charities…
A retired GP, Dr Mike Bloomfield, is challenging himself to walk 500km over 100 days for leading Welsh charity City Hospice. The 69-year-old co-founded City Hospice, formerly George Thomas Hospice Care, and remains a Vice President of the charity which provides palliative care for 550 patients with life limiting or terminal illnesses in Cardiff at any one time. Dr Bloomfield, who has previously had both hips replaced and quadruple bypass surgery, set himself the physical challenge to raise…
Samaritans Cymru is encouraging people to show kindness to themselves and look after their emotional well-being with the launch of a new, free self-help app. Mental Health Awareness Week took place between 18-24 May. Kindness was announced as the new theme for Mental Health Awareness Week, in response to the coronavirus outbreak. At a time when kindness, especially to ourselves, has never been more important, Samaritans Self-Help app, offers people practical ways to cope and stay safe if they’re going…
All children will have the opportunity to “Check in, Catch Up, Prepare for summer and September”, the Education Minister Kirsty Williams announced yesterday as she published details of the next phase for schools in Wales. It is proposed that all schools will start the next phase on 29 June, with the term extended by a week, therefore ending on 27 July. In the next academic year, beginning in September, the intention is that the autumn half-term break will be expanded…