Charity match on a mission to raise awareness about brain injuries and raise funds for local charity, Headway Cardiff & South East Wales



Charity rugby side, The Headway Select XV, will take on UWIC Old Boys XV at Cardiff Arms Park on the 22nd June as a prelude to the the Springboks v Wales and Barbarians v Fiji games.

Both sides will boast a number of notable players, including former internationals Chris Czekaj and Dominic Day, alongside others who have played at the highest level in England and Wales.

The Team has a mission to enjoy the game while raising awareness about acquired brain injury and funds for local charity, Headway Cardiff & South East Wales. Players recognize the benefit of participating in the sport, the supportive community it provides, and that brain injury and concussion are important issues. They are grateful for all the support they have received from Cardiff Rugby allowing the team to host a series of matches at the iconic venue.

Founder and Team Captain, Chris Case acknowledges, “Knocks will happen, it is the nature of the game, but it is how we deal with them which makes the difference – it is important to remember the message “If in doubt, sit it out”. We want to promote safe play of the game we love, with player welfare always being the priority.”

Chris started the team after his wife made an incredible recovery from a brain aneurysm shortly after giving birth to their second child. “I recognized how lucky we were and wanted to do something for others who weren’t so fortunate”, Chris explained, “I couldn’t think of a better way than through rugby because of the overwhelming support we received from my local club, Rhiwbina FC, when my wife was unwell. It really demonstrated how the rugby community looks out for each other on and off the pitch.

The team is looking forward to taking to the renowned grounds on a notable day in the rugby calendar to support the charity which does such amazing work to help people rebuild their lives after the devastation of acquired brain injury. It’s great that it will also provide the opportunity for youngsters to play beforehand, and we will all be able to enjoy the matches, a BBQ and live music in the club house and grounds afterwards. What makes the day even more special is the service users from the charity that come to cheer us on. It makes our players even more determined to give their best performance!”

The opposition has been reunited by former UWIC captain and alumni, Steve Facey, after many of the UWIC players have not shared a pitch in over 15 years, progressing to top clubs across the UK, including the Exeter Chiefs, Wasps, Leicester Tigers, Bath and London Welsh.

Steve says, “I’d like to think this is the first of many annual Charitable fixtures which will keep the squad connected through rugby.”

The day will begin at 9.30 am with junior teams playing, 12.00pm for the main match followed by the Springboks v Wales and Barbarians v Fiji games streamed live, BBQ and live music. Tickets £5 on the gates.

For further information about the charity or the team –