Daniel Williams features on BBC’s Rip Off Britain

BBC’s Rip Off Britain recently filmed Daniel Williams as he’d been  refused to  be picked up over a 100 times by Uber drivers because he has a guide dog.

The programme is aired today and will also be available on i-player shortly after broadcast.Here’s the link to view online:  https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000krg6

Photo: Zodiac guide dog and owner Daniel
Daniel has written the following poem – Zodiac and me! 

I love you more than I could have ever imagined,

We met, we bonded, we worked, we played,

It was crystal clear, you were going to be my legend.

With many years of deliberation,

The time had come – the time for acceleration!, no more lampposts to bump into.

You give me love, pleasure, friendship, but above all, you’ve given me…

My life back, my independence, my confidence and my strength,

With you by my side, I can go far, tackling the world together, courageously and fiercely!

Then came individuals – narrow minded or unaware of the law,

Access refusals to restaurants, hotels, and taxis, how many more?

Impacting my belief in humanity, the kindness and empathy I so wanted to behold in others,

Damaged by an ignorant few.

I am just one, but this happens daily to my fellow Guide Dog owners,

We just want to live our lives and start anew!

Talk to us, ask us, try to understand,

We are rebuilding our lives to fulfil all that we can,

We won’t be discriminated against so are taking a stand against Uber.

Zodiac, my #superguidedog, you are truly my brilliant boy,

Your cheeky, adventurous, and lovable character gives me new found freedom and an abundance of joy!

**Tune into Rip Off Britan on BBC One, at 10am on Tuesday 7th July 2020.**