Efficiency in Scenework: Weekend Improv Comedy Intensive


Saturday 16th – Sunday 17th April, 11am – 5pm.

The Cardiff Arches, John Street, Cardiff, Wales CF10 5PE

Booking £95 (incl. booking fee)

Nathan Improv is delighted to announce his new local courses in improv comedy: Nathan Improv Local.

Weekend Intensive Improv & Performance course that will improve improv skills to create scenes on stage. The course begins by developing students with a deeper understanding of an offer and acceptance into characters. First, students focus on their communication with each other making sure that they can communicate clearly as individuals and as a group. Next the students will practice using what is there to release each other from burden and invention. Students will be working through clarity and honesty.

This weekend intensive is an ambush of delight, as the search and insight into getting our improv to be as efficient as we can, as we affectively work the improviser. Looking at the elements of our improv that assist us with being engaged and effortless, the scenes will be plenty. It will be the workout fit for a king. Exploring the style of the group, we shall keep ourselves yurning for the next step with intrigue of how fluent our efforts proves our ease.

To book onto the course or enquire about details and for updates, please email: cardiffimpro@gmail.com.

I, Nathan Keates, have been teaching improv comedy since 2006 and taught all ages and abilities. I am a qualified teacher and have taught performing arts in colleges. I am a professional international improv teacher that performs and teaches anywhere. I also began a youth improv group (11 year olds to 16 year old, they are older now) in Cardiff, Wales and they toured to various places in the UK and were invited to a teen festival in France. For more information about me look at my website: www.NathanImprov.com.

Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th April, 11am – 5pm at The Cardiff Arches

Sign up to the mailing list: http://eepurl.com/byrQoL

Further information: http://www.NathanImprov.com/p/local.html

“Thank you for your power and being dynamic!” Anonymous, Germany

“I really love the focus of this workshop… Thanks for everything.” İpek Nisa Beslen, Turkey

“Awakened lots of thoughts; really interesting…” Anonymous, Finland

Let’s find the funny together.

Performance makes students focus on what the scene and their scene partners do. Focus is then given to the two elements that build all improvisation: reaction and awareness. We explore the tools behind comedic scenes, such as the using specifics, developing acute observation and behavioural studies of improvised characters. Ultimately, the students will practice creating full scenes and applying them with a various array of tools that are useful for all forms of scenic and gamic improv comedy. Simply by adding simple ideas into the collective whole to generate a shared experience on stage.

“I had a great time and feel that I’ve made a huge step forward in improv. Thanks.” Denitsa, Belgium

“Nathan’ brought together the magical support from oneself and the freedom provided by chaos.” Anonymous, Estonia

Booking for the course is priced £95 (including booking fee) are available now: email cardiffimpro@gmail.com