Become a volunteer for Heart Research UK and help m
ake your community live
healthier, happier, longer lives.
With June bringing National Volunteer Week, Heart R
esearch UK are seeking out the help
of local volunteers all over the country to help th
em beat the country’s biggest killer, heart
disease. Any time you can give takes them one step
closer to winning the battle and with
one person dying in the UK every seven minutes, it’
s a battle well worth fighting.
Without volunteers supporting Heart Research UK wit
h the work they do, children like
three-year-old Riley Platts (pictured with Mum Kath
Walker and HRUK Fundraiser Dom
Irvine) would not have benefitted from the advances
in research that helped save his life.
Riley has gone through several major operations tha
t would not have been available
without the technology developed and paid for by ch
arities like Heart Research UK.
Because heart disease affects people all over the U
K, they need willing volunteers from all
corners of the country and in-between to represent
them in their local area. Their work
spreads far and wide and some of the activity Heart
Research do includes helping children
live normal lives after surgery, funding grants in
local communities to educate the public
with crucial health matters, pioneering medical res
earch, masterclasses training the UK’s
young clinicians to be our experts of tomorrow as w
ell as talks in schools to help prevent
unhealthy lifestyles occurring.
The total cost relating to cardiovascular disease i
n the UK is estimated at £19 billion each
year so joining Heart Research UK to do whatever yo
u can in the time you have available
will help reduce these huge costs and prevent appro
ximately 80% of the deaths that occur
which are associated with heart disease.
Volunteering for Heart Research UK is an extremely
rewarding experience. Whether you
are looking for work experience, a student increasi
ng their knowledge, retired people with
time to give, out of work, in-between jobs or a ful
l time parent – they can offer you a role
that will complement your life, fit around your usu
al day and give you a huge sense of
fulfilment and experience.
Their volunteering roles are flexible dependant on
your availability and skills, so whether
you only have a couple of hours to spare a week or
have more time to offer on a regular
basis they’ve got a role at Heart Research UK to su
it you. All money raised locally will be
spent locally.
If you would like to be part of their fabulous team
then please fill in your details on
their website
For further details please call 0113 234 7474 or
Why not join them today and you’ll not only be work
ing with a friendly and well-
respected team, but you will be making a difference
in the fight against heart
disease in your community.