Help the YMCA support your local community



The YMCA Group based in Cardiff and Newport, provide a mix of supported accommodation; opportunities to take part in a range of activities within a community setting, and help for those furthest from the labour market into work through volunteering and training.

By supporting this event, your participation and fundraising efforts can help us to help vulnerable people of all ages to improve their wellbeing, confidence, skills and help those on a small income or reliant on benefits to improve their lives.

Our youth and community teams provide 1 to 1 support; help over 250 young carers and their families, and provide sexual health outreach programmes and childcare. We also deliver youth clubs and well equipped community rooms across Cardiff and Newport.

Your support will help someone at breaking point get their life back on track.
Join Team YMCA today! By chasing your goals you can help us help people chase their own dreams to a better life.

Is there a cost to join Team YMCA?
Yes – the cost is £10 (plus VAT), and we ask that runners commit to raising a minimum of £150.

Is there a minimum age to enter the event?
Yes – 17

A full list of FAQs can be obtained by emailing: with your queries.

The YMCA Cardiff & Newport Group consists of:
Cardiff YMCA Housing Association (H.A. No. H007, IPS 32032)
YMCA Cardiff (Charity no:1155885)
YMCA Newport (Charity no: 1174594)
Working together to support our local communities.