Joe Wicks BBC Children in Need Thank You Tour – Howardian Primary School, Cardiff, 4th May 2022
BBC Children in Need Schools Ambassador, Joe Wicks visited school children at Howardian Primary School in Cardiff as part of BBC Children in Need’s Thank You Tour to celebrate the fundraising efforts of schools across the UK following the charity’s 2021 Appeal in November.
During the visit, Joe met with school children to find out more about their fundraising in 2021, and what fundraising they plan to do to support the charity’s 2022 Appeal. As part of the visit, Joe also led a mind and body fitness workout for children and teachers to help encourage positive mental wellbeing. For children at Howardian Primary School it was an exciting surprise as they are just one of the six lucky schools Joe is visiting as part of his Thank You Tour. The six lucky schools receiving a visit from Joe over the course of the tour entered a competition to win a visit when they signed up for a schools fundraising pack.
Joe Wicks MBE, commented: “Visiting Howardian Primary School has been great fun! I’ve really enjoyed spending time with the pupils and hearing all about their fundraising ideas for this year. I’m so excited for this year’s BBC Children in Need Appeal and I can’t wait to see how school pupils up and down the country help raise money to help other children and young people.”
Helen Hoyle, Head teacher at Howardian Primary School said: “The pupils and teachers have absolutely loved meeting Joe today and taking part in a workout, he certainly inspired us all to get thinking about how we can help raise money for BBC Children in Need again this year! The pupils here are incredibly passionate about supporting other children and young people who might be facing challenges in their lives, so I have no doubt they will go above and beyond again this year.”
Across Cardiff BBC Children in Need currently funds 18 projects to the value of over £1.2million. One project currently receiving funding in the area is Women Connect First. In the last year alone, over 1,500 children and young people in Cardiff received support from local charities and projects funded by BBC Children in Need.
In the coming months, schools across the UK will be able to download an official BBC Children in Need schools fundraising pack from bbcchildreninneed.co.uk/schools
Joe Wicks’ new BBC One documentary, Joe Wicks: Facing My Childhood will explore how parental mental illness can affect children as he delves into his own childhood. Joe will confront how he dealt with his turbulent home life, and how it forged his identity today. Joe Wicks: Facing My Childhood will air 16th May on BBC One, at 9pm.