RNIB Cymru is there to offer support and advice on a range of topics


The coronavirus pandemic is a confusing and troubling time for us all. As people across the UK follow government advice to stay at home, many are worried about the impact this could have on some of our more vulnerable members of society who might already be feeling isolated and alone.


It is perhaps an especially challenging time for the 121,000 blind and partially sighted people across Wales. Many rely on regular face-to-face connections with family, friends and key workers to shop, cook, exercise, and socialise.


RNIB Cymru have been heartened to see the incredible community responses to those in need and know that many people have been able to maintain safe connections with those around them. They know that some people might need a little extra help.


If you are living with sight loss, RNIB Cymru is there to offer support and advice on a range of topics.  They are there to listen; if you need something, let them  know.


They will continue to work to protect the rights of blind and partially sighted people in Wales for the duration of the pandemic.   They are ensuring that crucial healthcare information is available in accessible formats, making wellbeing calls to older members of our community, running telephone and online social groups, and providing up-to-date advice on the issues that concern blind and partially sighted people the most.  They will also be adapting and increasing  support services as the situation unfolds in the coming weeks.


Their Helpline is open from 8am to 8pm every weekday. Call 0303 123 9999 or email helpline@rnib.org.uk for friendly, up to date information and advice.