A major conference about the Severn Estuary will take place on Thursday 5th October, bringing together people from both sides of the Estuary.
The 2017 Severn Estuary Forum, held at McMillan Theatre, Bridgwater, will focus on the themes “Planning, Governance & Flood Risk”, “Energy & Climate Change”, and “Protected Sites & Species”. It has been organised by the Severn Estuary Partnership, which includes representatives from all local authorities in the area and other relevant organisations.
This is an annual event for all those interested in the Severn Estuary to get together. People from around the Estuary, from Gloucester to Minehead in England and Chepstow to Bridgend in Wales, will be there to share news and information. It is a great opportunity to experience and learn more about the Severn Estuary and is sure to spark interesting debate on numerous topics related to marine planning, energy generation and community engagement.
The “Planning, Governance & Flood Risk” session, chaired by Clare Taylor, RTPI Cymru Policy and Research Forum will feature Wessex Water discussing bathing water quality investments and improvements within the Wessex area. Andy Hohl of the Environment Agency will be discussing the Bridgwater Tidal Barrier and how this will help to protect Bridgwater and the surrounding area from tidal flooding. There will be an update from the Severn Estuary Partnership by Lucy Taylor, on the launch of the 2017 Severn Estuary Strategy and other important developments from the Partnership. Neal Gray of the Marine Management Organisation will be discussing cross-border marine planning for the Severn Estuary.
The “Energy & Climate Change” session, chaired by Councillor Anne Fraser M.B.E, Sedgemoor District Council, will delve into a variety of topics including an update on Hinkley Point C, and the impacts and challenges of working alongside the Severn Estuary. This will be presented by Ross Edwards, EDF Energy. RegenSW will be discussing the renewable energy generation potential and current developments in the Bristol Channel. Dr Judith Wolf, National Oceanography Centre, will be presenting on the latest extreme weather and sea level change forecasts and their implications for the Bristol Channel.
The “Protected Sites & Species” session will be chaired by Rob Shore, Chairman of the Severn Vision Project. This session will include a presentation by Alys Laver, WWT, on Steart Marshes “3 years on”, focussing on climate change, flood risk and community action. Alison Boyes of the RSPB will be providing an update on the progress of the fantastic Living Levels project and Richard Brunning and Bob Croft will present a paper on the archaeology and heritage of the Severn Estuary.
For a full list of speakers and more information on the event, please visit http://www.severnestuarypartnership.org.uk/sep/forum/2017-2/
Lucy Taylor, the Severn Estuary Partnership Officer said “we are really pleased with the programme for the 2017 Severn Estuary Forum which covers some really important topics for the Estuary including climate change and estuary planning”.
Early Bird Tickets go on sale on the website from Friday 28th July 2017, until one month before the event: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/severn-estuary-forum-2017-tickets-36307755474
General sale tickets go on sale Tuesday 5th September 2017.
Ticket sales can also be purchased via email (severn@cardiff.ac.uk) and by phone (02920 874713)