***We’re sharing the news but we certainly don’t hate the English at Cardiff Times. We only want to beat them at Rugby!*** Why Does Everyone Hate The English? HISTORY® joins Al Murray to find out in new series. New research conducted in time for the second episode of the new HISTORY® TV series, Al Murray: Why Does Everyone Hate The English? (premieres on 15th October at 9pm), has revealed that football is one of the main reasons why Welsh people…
Welsh adults are the least aware in Britain that physical inactivity (44% aware), drinking alcohol (52% aware), eating a poor diet (59% aware) and being overweight (51% aware) increase the risk of cancer, when comparing England, Scotland and Wales, a poll for World Cancer Research Fund has found. The YouGov poll found that over half of Welsh adults (56%) are not aware that physical inactivity increases the risk of cancer, nearly half are not aware of the cancer risk attached…
Only nine months after opening its doors, YHA Cardiff Central has received a prestigious 5 star rating from Visit Wales with the assessor commenting: “The hostel oozes style character and a modern sense of place. An excellent overnight stay.” It is the only property in YHA’s 160-strong network of Youth Hostels to receive a prestigious 5-star rating to date. Following a stay at the YHA Cardiff Central Visit Wales, the premier assessing agency for accommodation in Wales, graded the Youth Hostel…
Brains, The Official Ale Sponsor of the WRU, celebrated the start of the 6 Nations in full chorus! To tie into the launch of the new rugby-themed Seasonal Ale, ‘Bread of Heaven’, the Cardiff-based brewer invited the local Côr Meibion Taf choir to surprise drinkers in the popular City Centre Pub ‘The Yard’. The 20 plus strong choir, dressed as rugby fans to blend into the crowds, one by one started singing the popular Welsh rugby anthem ‘Bread of Heaven’! …