
As Wales considers its next move to tackle the pandemic, many of us feel anxious and worried about the coming months. This can be particularly difficult for young adult carers, many of whom have returned to school or college only a month ago. YAC’s are young people aged 16 -25 who looked after a relative or close friend who has an illness or disability, mental health condition or substance addiction. They do this in an unpaid capacity and usually on…


By Sarah-Jane Bailey Today I am mostly starving, followed by salivating at my children’s plates full of left overs calling my name. Yup, its that time of year…….. ITS NEARLY MY BIRTHDAY AND I MUST BE SLIMMER! Its an annual occurrence, the mid life panic of acknowledging that I am veering towards elasticated waistbands, larger pull me in underwear and popping up a dress size!  With this in mind I am opting for a summer diet, which will see me…


There must be something given out in the labour wards that makes many Mums turn into superheroes. Women that in the past had not needed to think about charity legislation, press releases or political lobbying are now starting their own charities and proving that they can make massive differences to the lives of others. The group have been dubbed the ‘Mummies making differences’, and is helped and supported by Cardiff Third Sector Council. The five local inspirational Mums were brought…


Modern day living, healthy eating, parenting, work life balance, being thinner, taller, faster, fitter……. Clean eating, getting enough sleep, having enough friends, earning a good living, enjoying my job……Practising mindfulness, having a home worthy of an interior magazine, helping the kids do their homework, being kind, noble, wise and calm, looking like you have got it all together when underneath you are paddling like a duck on a merry go round on full speed. Blah, blah, bleurgh! How much stress…


Why is it called a Menopause when it doesn’t affect men? Nor does it mean you have to pause? Surely there’s been some error? After the onset of female puberty and childbirth surely we’re done and it’s time to share the biological derailment that Mother Nature decrees should happen at a certain point in a woman’s life? We don’t really need to be told to slow down at this junction of our lives too! I have a friend, let’s call…


I never envisaged that at 41 years of age, I would morph into my Mother and Victor Meldrew, but I really hate litter. Fag ends, take away coffee cups and pop cans make me furious when I see them clogging up my neighbourhood. However, there is something more serious than just littering in my view, rubbish really can be a serious problem in my neighbourhood. I live in  a flood area – I don’t live near a river nor the…