Ten Tenors for just Two Tenners in Charity Concert


Lend me a tenor – in fact, make it ten!’

Wales’s contribution to testosterone-

welsh heartsfuelled operatic singing, the Ten Welsh Tenors are back by popular demand with an amazing concert featuring 10 of the finest tenors from all over Wales with a feast of sumptuous popular operatic delights.

The 10 Tenors revealed are Rhys Meirion, Aled Hall, Aled Wyn Davies, Richard Allen, Trystan Llyr Griffiths, Ben Thapa, Shaun Dixon, Rhodri Prys Jones, Osian Bowen and Conal Bembridge-Sayers.

‘When all ten join together to sing Nessun Dorma, the hairs on the back of your neck are guaranteed to stand up – there’s nothing quite like it’ says Sharon Owen, Chief Executive of Welsh Hearts, a registered charity set up to fund the widespread provision of Defibrillators across Wales.

Joining the ten Welsh tenors are Soprano’s Stephanie Edwards and Ellen Williams but as they are out numbered by the tenors, no doubt they will be showered with attention in the rousing Brindisi. Keeping company on stage to the tenors and sopranos are the award winning Choir ‘Cor CF1’ and accompanist Jeff Howard.

But this feast of singing will not cost you 10 tenners but just 2 tenners (£20 ) and are available by contacting The Fundraising Office on 02920 786521 or on line welshhearts.org/events or emailing fundraising@welshhearts.org

All proceeds will go towards Welsh Hearts /Calonnau Cymru The Heart Charity for Wales – funding Defibrillators, Life Saving equipment and Heart Screening, through-out Wales.




Thinking of having a spring clear-out! then please think of Welsh Hearts – the heart charity for Wales

We are looking for donations of:

Books, Tombola, Toys, Bric a Brac, unwanted Christmas Presents, Raffle prizes for our Easter Market on Saturday 21st March at St Michael’s College in Llandaff, Cardiff from 10am til 4pm

You can drop off your items at Temple Court, 13a Cathedral Road, Cardiff CF11 9HA or call 02920 786521 for more information.

All proceeds goes towards funding life support equipment such as Defibrillators through-out Wales, CPR Training in all Schools and Clubs through-out Wales!  Heart Screening Sessions and heart research conducted in Wales!