The $1 Art Club Embarks on Mission to Help Talented Artists Reach Global Audience, and recognition


BRISTOL, England, March 28, 2017 – The $1 Art Club  is bringing the world a new way to see and purchase high-quality art in every medium — and giving artists an economical way to connect with art buyers, no matter where they are. The website provides advertising space for as little as $1 for 12 months. Ultimately, the $1 Art Club envisions becoming a massive, one-of-a-kind platform in which a million-plus unique monthly visitors come to the site and explore the amazing work being done by artists in 193 countries.

Most great art never reaches the people who might appreciate it most, therefore most artists never earn their living through their work, regardless of talent and experience. The $1 Art Club is looking to flip that script. The platform is structured as a unique micro-site that puts all the power at the artist’s fingertips, from managing images to communicating with potential buyers.

Any type of art is welcome on the $1 Art Club, from oil and acrylic paint to charcoal, graphic art, textiles and sculpture. Major categories have their own pages. And, if there’s sufficient demand, new categories will be added as more artists come to the platform.

Each art category page is comprised of a grid of 16×16-pixel ad blocks; one block costs $1 to fill for 12 months with an image of one’s art. To showcase larger images, artists can purchase multiple blocks. What visitors see is a single page full of beautiful images. Hovering the cursor over an image expands it for easier viewing, and clicking the image opens a website of the artist’s choosing. Visitors can contact artists directly to negotiate sales. Secure payments are accepted through PayPal and credit/debit cards.

Every other art sales platform consists of discrete pages for each piece, which can be frustrating to navigate through. It’s for this reason, among many others, that so much great art goes unseen. The genius of the $1 Art Club lies in putting all art of the same category on a single page.

Artists who join the $1 Art Club on its bold mission pay no sales commission or fees of any kind. The upfront ad buy of $1 per block for 12 months is the only cost. In addition, anyone who purchases at least four ad blocks ($4/12 months) will have access to a member’s area where they can easily manage their image thumbnails, descriptions and hyperlinks. All these can be modified as often as necessary.

About the $1 Art Club

We are a small team of budding part-time artists in our own right, and we’re all very passionate about art. Our skill sets are the skills needed for the success of the $1 Art Club, including PR and Marketing, Internet Marketing, IT programming, and web design, and above all, the ability to “think outside the box.” We are members of many Facebook art groups, blogs and art websites. Between us, we have over 500 friends within the art community who collectively work in a diverse range of media.

In early 2016, we set about looking at ways to help artists reach out around the world. What became apparent was very few artists seemed to be making any money from their art. And that was how the $1 Art Club was born.

Media Contact Details

Stephen Smith, The $1 Art Club

Bristol, UK