UniTalk, a small UK company have launched CHABBLE, a unique Communication and Translation Licence for Tablets and iPads. Chabble will revolutionise the way many people communicate who either have a condition that affects their speech and movement or who simply want to break down language barriers and be understood quickly without the requirement of costly interpreters.
Chabble will enable thousands of people with neurological conditions such Stroke, Brain Injury, Aphasia, MS, Autism and many others to communicate with their carers, professionals and loved ones face to face or across the internet (some for the first time ). No keyboard or voice is required, just the simple touch of one finger on a tablet will relief frustrations and enhance a better quality of care. Chabble is also useful for those people who may suffer from temporary speech loss due to illness or an operation.
Bob Bennett suffered from a Stroke in July 2013 and Bob and his wife Catherine tested Chabble for us,
Catherine said “I wish we had Chabble when Bob first had his Stroke as this would have been a great help whilst Bob was in hospital and could possibly have helped him recover sooner”.
Bob and many other people find it difficult to read words straight after a Stroke and having pictures with the phrases helps them ask for things they need or feel, this eases the frustration of not being able to
communicate. A lot of communication aids are costly and need a keyboard which stops many people using them if they have restricted movement.”
Brainchild of Martin Harris from Cardiff, who spent years working with people who have learning
disabilities. Martin realised that there was a challenge to connect people online or offline who for different reasons are unable to use a keyboard or voice.
People can download CHABBLE on iOS or Android or purchase it already set up on a Tablet. Utilising this new patented technology people can select pre-set phrases and statements using only a finger touch to communicate. This allows users to discuss emotions, health concerns, request items/actions or choose
food/drink or other personal items. They can meet and chat online without using a keyboard or voice and there are plans to put this into over 30 languages switching between users.
We have also included an Emergency Text Alert, One Touch Drawing Board and Album of Choices Users are able to add categories and pictures important to them that also aids Person Centred Care, allowing users to regain their Respect and Dignity.
We are carrying out free demonstrations to individuals, families and groups and would like to hear from
anyone who would like to help us with our research or who knows someone that will benefit from this
Please watch our short video at and call us now on 02920 003250 to book a free
For more information contact:
Martin Harris, CEO on 07771628724, email: