Can you help put a smile on the faces of our patients?
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (UHB) Volunteer Services is currently looking for volunteers to support at University Hospital of Wales, University Hospital Llandough, St. David’s Hospital and Barry Hospital.
The Health Board welcomes volunteering applications from all walks of life, whether you can spare a few hours once a week, fortnight or can give a couple of days each month, there are opportunities to suit your availability.
The Board is developing a volunteer programme of activities to support patients on many of our wards and is looking for individuals who would like to share their skills, talents or hobbies to support this programme.
The Health Board are particularly interested in recruiting volunteers who may be skilled in creative art, poetry, singing and music.
The main purpose of these roles is to assist in running a programme of structured activities; enabling patients and service users involved in using their imagination and creativity.
Activity sessions will be held during the afternoons, daily for approximately 2-3 hours a day between 1:00pm and 4:30pm.
Hospital wards can be very busy places, so it is important that volunteers are able to take a proactive approach to the role, whilst being guided by the Nurse in Charge on the ward and wishes of the individual patient if they want to participate.
If you are interested in becoming an activity volunteer please contact Michelle Fowler Voluntary Services Manager on 02921 847867 or email: